Prep Time: 10 Min | Cook Time: 7 hrs
- Ingredients
- Oxtails
- Rolling Bones BBQ Perpetual Beef Seasoning
- 2 cups of beef broth
- 2 tbsp Bear and Burtons W-Sauce Fireshire
- 1 whole garlic
- Rosemary
- Instructions
- Season oxtails
- Smoke at 225F for 4hrs using Pecan wood chunks
- Have a aluminum tray under to catch all drippings to re-use in braise.
- After 4hrs remove oxtails and place into aluminum tray with drippings.
- Add in beef broth, W-sauce, garlic and rosemary then cover with aluminum foil.
- Place back on the smoker at 250F and braise for 3hrs.
- When done let cool covered for 10 min to 1 hr.