Prep Time: 24hrs | Cook Time: 6-8 hrs
- Ingredients
- 27lb Whole skinned alligator from Louisiana Crawfish Co.
- Chef J’s Bayou Brine
- My Cajun Honey Rub * Coming Soon
Smoker: Texas Smoke King from MM BBQ Company
- Instructions
- Prep brine per instructions on packaging.
- In a large enough cooler fill halfway with cold water and ice.
- Add in brine mixture and mix well.
- Place in alligator and close lid and let brine overnight. Some say to remove fat along the tail to remove swamp taste but in my opinion if you brine it and then smoke it that flavor is no longer present and fat can be removed more easy when shredded alligator before eating.
- Next day remove alligator from brine and pat dry.
- Season with your favorite Cajun rub or BBQ seasoning.
- Added a peeled and seasoned pineapple into the mouth of the alligator for looks, Pineapple can also be eaten afterwards too.
- Fire up smoker to 250-275F using hickory wood.
- Smoke for 6-8hrs until the thickest part of the tail is reaching atatleastleast 165F. Spritzing with water or apple juice every 30-45min.
- When done let cool for 30min before shredding the meat. Alligator tastes similar to chicken and pork and in my opinion its a cool; cook for crowds.